Community service
Some ideas for High School students
Virtual Volunteer Idea #1: Join Islamic Relief Malaysia
Virtual Volunteer Idea #2: Sew masks for those in need
There’s an ongoing
need for reusable cloth medical masks for those in the at-risk population and
for people in higher-risk jobs. Teens can easily make the masks by following
along with tutorials and then organize donations to the people
who need them most.
learning skill: Social awareness. This volunteer opportunity encourages teens to
empathize with those who are at higher risk of getting sick.
Virtual Volunteer Idea #3: Become a virtual tutor (Tutor mengaji)
With more students
across the country shifting to online learning, there are plenty of
opportunities to get involved in helping anyone struggling with school. The
simplest way for teens to become virtual volunteer tutors is by letting their
teachers know they are available. Teens can also check out sites like
learning skill: Community building. Becoming more involved in the school system
helps foster a greater sense of community.
Virtual Volunteer Idea #4: Start a fundraiser
There are plenty of
organizations that need funds right now. Don’t know where to begin? Start with
something local. One example is to host a fundraiser towards the purchase of
gift cards for gasoline to donate to the staff of your local hospital. Here
are some other great fundraising ideas for teens to try out.
learning skill: Goal-setting. This is a great way to help students find meaning by
learning how to clarify and establish concrete goals.
Virtual Volunteer Idea #5: Lend your eyesight to the blind or those of
low vision
Pairing up with an
organization like BeMyEyes will
allow sighted volunteers aged 17 or older to directly help a blind or
low-vision person with daily tasks.
Teens can sign up
to get paired with a person in need. That person might need help with tasks
like checking expiration dates, distinguishing colors, reading instructions, or
navigating new surroundings.
learning skill: Empathy. Being able to see the challenges others face and help
them directly fosters understanding and empathy for others.
Virtual Volunteer Idea #8: Share social media posts for important
For teens with
social media profiles, sharing important information from health officials or
other community organizations is a great way for them to help virtually.
Sharing posts from American
Red Cross about giving blood, phone
numbers for helplines for youth, or accurate
information on the pandemic are all simple, but important ways
to help.
learning skill: Analyzing problems. This encourages students to develop,
strategize, and implement complex tasks.
Virtual Volunteer Idea #9: Sign up to help transcribe historical
documents or update Wikipedia pages
If an older teen is
into history, there are some interesting volunteer
opportunities with the Smithsonian helping to transcribe
historical documents and update relevant Wikipedia pages. They can use their
love for learning and make an impact on these important organizations.
learning skill: Self-regulation. Being in a virtual volunteer position takes a lot
of skills as there is no one overseeing you directly.
Virtual Volunteer Idea #10: Sew blankets and put together care bags
There are so many
kids in need, and comfort items like blankets can make a big difference.
Volunteering with an organization like BinkyPatrol is
a great way to give back. Right now, they’re also looking for donations of
cloth masks as well.
Social-emotional learning skill: Social-awareness.
Understanding and being able to look at the needs of others is a big factor in
Everyone deserves
to have a place they call home. By volunteering with Habitat for Humanity, you
can play a role in building up your community (literally). Their Habitat Youth Programs accept
volunteers between the ages of 5 and 40 for everything from home construction
to affordable housing advocacy.
For those teens who
just got their license and love any reason to get behind the wheel, here’s a
volunteer opportunity that’ll make driving worthwhile. Meals on Wheels is on a
mission to meet the nutritional and social needs of seniors. 225 million meals
have been delivered so far -- connect with your local
provider to find out how you can get involved.
Another great opportunity for volunteers ages 16 to 18 is to tutor
Southern California students living in shelters, motels, vehicles, group foster
homes, and the streets. Playing a small role in overcoming an enormous
problem—1 in 20 children in California are homeless—volunteers work digitally
with students ranging from kindergarten to 12th grade.
10. Teenangels
This is an awesome
opportunity for students ages 13 to 18 who dream of having a job in
cybersecurity, or are simply interested in computers. Teenangels volunteers run
programs in schools that teach teachers, parents, and kids about the
responsible and safe use of the internet—they’ve even presented before
14. Be My Eyes
This amazing
organization is a great way to get community service hours online. It connects
volunteers with blind and low-vision people through a video app to provide
visual assistance with everything from checking expiration dates to
distinguishing colors to reading instructions.
Nursing home
residents are struggling with their emotional and mental health, as they can no
longer receive visitors. A solution from the Texas Health Care Association,
Adopt a Nursing Home connects volunteers with residents (and staff) and
provides the ability to send online messages and physical letters to help keep
spirits high.
16. Lifetime
Connections Without Walls
Another opportunity
for high schoolers interested in supporting the elderly, this organization
provides seniors with a wide range of classes and activities they can
participate in from the comfort of their homes. Log online community service
hours assisting with everything from facilitating sessions to reminding
participants about them.
click to join
HR Assistant
support volunteer
Organisations in Malaysia
1. MAKNA Majlis Kanser Nasional
3. MSRI Malaysian Social Research Institute (MSRI) is primarily a service
delivery NGO working with refugee and asylum-seeker communities whose country
of origins are those within the Middle Eastern, Central Asian and African
regions; which include Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, Syria, Pakistan, Somalia,
Sudan and Yemen. Their services focus on education, health, livelihood and emergency
4. WWF Malaysia
5. EcoKnights
6. UNICEF Malaysia
7. MERCY Malaysia
10 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Examples in Malaysia
Here are the most common examples of corporate
social responsibility:
+ Making social and environmental
conscious investments.
+ Decreasing carbon footprints
and climate change
+ Adjusting corporate policies
for environmental benefits
+ Engaging in charity and
volunteer activities within your community
+ Improving labor policies and
embrace fair trade
These are some way socially responsible companies
can help the environment;
+ Reduce your paper waste
+ Distribution of recycling bins
throughout the organization
+ Making environmentally and
socially conscious investments.
+ Have an annual tree-planting
+ Reduce the negative impact of
commuter traffic by permitting remote work.
+ Replace incandescent light
bulbs with energy-saving LED bulbs
Sime Darby Berhad
Axiata Group Berhad
CIMB Group Holdings Berhad
Malayan Banking Berhad
DiGi.Com Berhad
Petroliam Nasional Berhad
Fraser & Neave Holdings Berhad
KFC Malaysia